One Common Unity To Host Awards Celebration To Honor ‘Common Folk’
Working For Social Justice And Peace
One Common Unity (OCU) is hosting the second annual common folk awards, honoring three dynamic individuals dedicated to nurturing sustainable, caring communities rooted in principles of social justice + peace. the common folk awards event will take place monday, dec. 7th, 2009 at Langston Room of Busboys & Poets, 2021 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC, 8pm-11pm.
the common folk awards international recipient for 2009 is Audri Scott Williams, an educator + visionary whom, earlier this year, completed a three-and-a-half year trek through 17 nations to emphasize peace-through-service with an initiative known as The Trail of Dreams World Peace Walk. upon being notified of her selection for the award, "Mama Audri" stated, “to be among the ‘common folk’ who are creating a positive impact on our world, yet remain largely unrecognized by society, inspires me + propels me forward on my personal path to stand up and step out for peace + social justice.”
the national recipient this year is Marian Wright Edelman, founder + president of the Children's Defense Fund (CDF). under Ms. Edelman’s leadership, CDF has created programs + supported legislation that expands education, nutrition + health care opportunities offered to children in the U.S., including the many millions currently living in poverty.
the 2009 local award recipient will be announced during the event itself. additionally, OCU will highlight its support for an important humanitarian effort by Jay Winter Nightwolf, native american activist + WPFW radio personality, to raise funds + supplies to be given to Oglala Lakota-Sioux families on the pine ridge reservation in south dakota, facing unimaginably harsh living conditions each winter.
founded in 2000, one common unity is a non-profit organization whose mission is to nurture sustainable, caring communities through innovative peace education services, arts initiatives + omni-media programming.
to support amazing folks doing their thang check:
Audri Scott Williams
One Common Unity
Marian Wright Edelman